Ready for Rescue Grant - Second Chance KONGs


As VCA Animal Hospital’s charitable arm, VCA Charities brings the joy of pet ownership to more people by helping pets find and remain in loving homes.

Through grants and partnerships with shelters and animal welfare organizations, we help remove barriers to pet ownership and help keep pets in loving homes by funding emergency and specialty veterinary care; supporting adoption readiness and surrender prevention programs; enabling the care and feeding of pets belonging to underserved families; and, responding to our local communities in crisis.  

If you have questions about this program, application, or eligible expenses, please email

Eligibility for Second Chance KONG Participation:

  • Organization must be a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit or tax-exempt government agency.
  • Agreement that KONGs will be used in-shelter for adoptable dogs only. KONGs are not intended to be sold or sent home with a dog once adopted.
Primary Contact Person

Organization Information

(Select multiple by holding down Ctrl key while clicking each selection)

Where KONGs to be delivered

Program Information

Program Narrative

Describe your organization and adoption readiness efforts. Please copy, paste, and be sure to respond to each of the following:
  1. General information about your organization and your various programs.
  2. How many animals do you intake yearly, how many do you transport/transfer to partners (if any), and how many do you adopt out? 
  3. Describe how animals come into your care (owner surrender, transfers from other shelters, etc.)
  4. Describe your intake process, including what veterinary care your animals receive.
  5. Describe how these KONGs will improve the lives of animals during their stay in the shelter.
All files attached to this application must total less than 20 MB. Please compress your PDF files at a free resource such as
IRS 501(c)(3) Determination Letter or Letter 4076C
If you are a governmental organization and not a 501(c)(3), your Letter 4076C describes your status as a tax-exempt organization.
Photo Requirement
We kindly request that you share high resolution pictures of the KONGs in use within the first month. Ideally these would show the first group of dogs getting their Second Chance KONGs so we can demonstrate real impact to our funders.

Send pictures to with the subject line "KONG Pictures." Please ensure photo permissions allow for VCA Animal Hospitals and VCA Charities' use.