Better Together Fund Application - Non-COVID

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Better Together Fund Overview and Eligibility


The Better Together Fund was established in 2016. It provides emergency financial hardship relief to the employees (“Associates”) of entities operating as Banfield Pet Hospital®, BluePearl™ and VCA in the event of natural or manmade disasters or domestic violence.  

The Better Together Fund does not provide assistance for non-emergency situations or as a result  of general financial hardship. It is not intended as a substitute for personal insurance coverage, and  therefore, grants will not be made for damage to, or loss of, personal property resulting from burglary or theft, or for losses that would have been prevented through normal repairs or maintenance.

The grant maximum award is $3,000 depending on the situation as well as the financial qualification of each applicant. Support is only possible because of the generous donations of fellow Associates—the Better Together Fund Board of Directors and Grant Selection Committee serve as stewards for these funds to ensure the grants awarded meet the criteria and guidelines of the Better Together Fund. Assistance is considered on a case-by-case basis, and requested funding is not guaranteed. 

Associates can expect to hear from the Grant Selection Committee within one week.

Do I qualify?


Currently, the Better Together Fund is considering hardships found in this menu and cannot assist with other financial hardships

You must have access to some type of documentation for consideration

Hold down CTRL to select more than one option
Please confirm each of the below statements by checking the box

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Associate and Hardship Information


Dependents are children under the age of 26 whom you claim as dependents on your taxes, or, family members who solely or significantly rely on you for financial support


Associates experiencing hardship are also encouraged to consider other avenues of support such as Employee Assistance Program (EAP), as well as any government and/or local community programs (FEMA, Red Cross, etc.). 
Please list all other efforts you have put forth to alleviate your financial hardship. Please keep in mind, the Better Together Fund was designed to be a last resort. 

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Household Financial Review

Annual Financial Overview
per month
Cannot include home loans
Monthly Household Income Detail
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
Monthly Household Expenses Detail
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
per month
Additional financial information may be requested for verification of expenses and financial hardship.

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I understand that no one is entitled to receive a grant, either due to virtue of their employment, their history of contributions to the Better Together Fund or because of any precedent inferred from a previous grant from the Better Together Fund. Grants will not be made before an associate has demonstrated a qualifying need.

I understand further that this application will be treated in a confidential manner by the Better Together Fund; however, non-identifying statistical information may be reported to third parties on a periodic basis.

Associates are expected to provide truthful and accurate information. In its due diligence, if the Better Together Fund discovers any information in this application to be materially untrue or fraudulent, I recognize that I may no longer expect this application to be treated confidentially and also recognize that information provided herein may be reported to Banfield Pet Hospital, BluePearl or VCA. Moreover, I authorize the Better Together Fund to notify my employer if I submit false statements, and that my employer may then subject me to disciplinary action, which may include termination.

I understand and authorize that submitting my application to the Better Together Fund will result in this information being available to Banfield Pet Hospital, BluePearl or VCA. In addition, should I qualify for a grant, I also authorize the Better Together Fund access to my payroll direct deposit information with Banfield Pet Hospital, BluePearl or VCA for the purpose of receiving a grant in a timely manner.

My signature below certifies that the information provided is true and complete, authorizes the Better Together Fund to obtain and/or verify all information necessary to process this application, and releases Medical Management International, Inc. and its affiliates, Banfield Pet Hospital, BluePearl or VCA and the Better Together Fund, from any liability associated with this application, its rejection, or its funding.

In addition, I hereby agree to provide any requested documentation supporting the information

Associate Signature and Attestation

If you do not receive a confirmation email within 72 hours of submission of your application, please email the Better Together Fund at to inquire about the status of your application.